The mystery of myopia

The mystery of myopiaThe culprit of poor eyesightFor example, the other light is reflected back by the crystal. Only blue light penetrates the crystal. When the yellow spot has few lutein, the blue li

The mystery of myopia

The culprit of poor eyesight


For example, the other light is reflected back by the crystal. Only blue light penetrates the crystal. When the yellow spot has few lutein, the blue light reaches the retina and seriously hurts the eyesight, so lutein is the real cause of the poor vision of the guard against the blue light protection retina. Supplement, so the first appearance of discomfort, and then start false myopia, myopia, high myopia and so on, with glaucoma, flying mosquitoes; young and middle-aged in advance, old flowers, cataracts and so on.

Why are our eyes uncomfortable when we play with a mobile phone?

Smart phone screens send out powerful blue light. When we play mobile phones, the eye yellow spots are not damaged by blue light, and they consume a lot of lutein. When the lutein in our eyes is too much to be consumed in time, the blue light will penetrate the retina. For a long time, our eyes will be uncomfortable. If we do not supplement lutein in time, we will have pseudmyopia, myopia, and high myopia.

Eye enemy

Brief introduction of blue light

Blue light is a kind of light with a wavelength of 400500 nanometers and high energy. There are Yu Yangguang, fluorescent lamp, electronic screen, computer, mobile phone and other screens. It is the natural enemy of the eyes.

Lutein is clustered in the macular area of the fundus, and blue light is before the photoreceptor that reaches the retina, first through the focus area of lutein. At this time, if the lutein content in the macular area is rich, the blue light can be filtered out and the damage is reduced. Lutein is the natural defense line of blue light. If the lutein in the macular area is very few, Blue will damage the retina and visual effects in.



When the eyes are short-sighted, the axis of the eyeball will grow longer. The focus of the eye imaging is in front of the retina, so the retina becomes blurred. The purpose of wearing glasses is to push the imaging focus back to the retina with the concave lens principle. Therefore, to control the decline of vision is to supplement the eye nutrition lutein in time, protect the retina, control the eye axis no longer long, through a schematic, we know how to scientifically protect the vision.
