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Marketing Specialist

  • 招聘人数若干
  • 工作地点
  • 工资待遇
  • 发布日期2018-04-11
  • 有效期不限


Job Responsibilities:

1. Responsible for the development and planning of market work within the region, actively develop new customers, and maintain old customers.

2. Dynamically grasp market prices and timely provide market information analysis to the company.

3. Responsible for coordinating and linking technical support and technical support for customers in the jurisdictions under their jurisdiction.

4. Assist senior leaders in formulating annual, quarterly and monthly sales plans.

5. Actively complete sales targets and increase market share.

job requirements:

1. College degree or above, integrity, and experience in product market development are preferred.

2, with good communication and cooperation skills and rich experience in teamwork.

3, good quality, able to withstand the work pressure of frequent business trips, there is plenty of energy.

4, skilled use of office software.

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