
  • Authoritative expert - The human body has no way to synthesize lutein itself

    Authoritative ophthalmologists, many people are concerned about what is lutein, lutein is what such a topic, in fact, very simple, lutein is an important part of the human eye retina nutrition organization, it exists a lot of human eyesight center Position, which is usually referred to as the retinal macular area. The only regret is that the human body has no way to synthesize lutein itself, which requires us to obtain it through external ingestion, such as from some foods and specially extracted lutein supplements....

    2018-04-11 mingmoukejien 0

  • Clinical trials - Lutein is an effective antioxidant for humans

    Numerous clinical trials and studies have found that lutein is a very important antioxidant in the human body. The harmful substances that occur after the oxidation of the capillaries around the human eye are also the culprits responsible for various eye diseases. Ye Huang The presence of quinones very well reduces and prevents the continuation of these so-called oxidation reactions and removes these harmful free radical molecules. The experiment also confirmed that the human body can effectively alleviate eye aging and vision problems after ingesting a certain amount of lutein....

    2018-04-11 mingmoukejien 0

  • Alum Health Technology - Awakening contains lutein that is beneficial to humans

    This product does not add preservatives, chemical pigments and hormones, and is naturally healthy. The main functional beverage with eye protection and eye blinking filled the huge market demand. This beverage is mainly aimed at students, mobile phone family, computer family eye protection products. Lutein has a powerful effect on eye protection. Consumer groups are very large. One can a day, as long as seven days, eyes dry, eyes astringent, eye swelling, eye fatigue completely disappear...

    2018-04-11 mingmoukejien 0