
Good news | Qingdao HKC six inches semiconductors project main structure like sealing jinding!

2021-01-21 13:52:37 qdhuikeen 31

  Qingdao HKC six inch semiconductor project main structure Xifeng jinding!

  Cap profile


  On the morning of May 19, 2020, at 9:58 a.m., the building topping ceremony of the main plant of the six-inch wafer semiconductor power device project of Qingdao HKC with a total investment of 2.9 billion yuan, was held in Jimo, Qingdao.

  Jiang Bo, director of Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Zhang Jun, secretary of Jimo District Committee, Jimo District Deputy Director Ju Chaoyou, Director of District Committee Office Yuan Ruixian, Deputy Director of Blue Valley Administration Wu Ping, Vice President of Huike Group Hang Jingqiang, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of Party Committee Qi Peng attended the ceremony.

   The project will be put into production at the end of 2020, after which it is expected to reach an annual production scale of 2.4 million chips and 1 million advanced encapsulated chips, with an annual output value of 2.8 billion yuan and a tax revenue of 400 million yuan.


  HKC is a traditional video consumer electronics manufacturer. Relying on high-end manufacturing and successfully transforming and upgrading, HKC is a high-tech group company integrating R&D, production and sales with the coordinated development of upstream and downstream industrial chains. It is one of the strongest comprehensive IT manufacturing enterprises in China.

  Qingdao HKC sets up semiconductor materials, chips, sealed and measured fields, adopts IDMS model integrating research and development, design, manufacturing and sales, and builds a new 6-inch power device production line with the largest single capacity in China. The products cover intelligent home appliances, intelligent manufacturing, network communication, automotive electronics and other application fields.


   MR.Hang said that Qingdao has a long history, developed science and education, prosperous industries, good ecological environment, and is suitable for living and working. Therefore, Hkc has the opportunity to join hands with Qingdao to create a new future of semiconductor industry, and make a modest contribution to the construction of Jimo.

   Since the construction of the main workshop foundation of Qingdao HKC Project started on March 18th this year, it only took 2 months to cap the main workshop today. After shortening the planned construction period, the main structure was capped in advance. During the period, more than 50,000 square meters of concrete and 7,000 tons of steel bars were used. The main plant area is more than 21 thousand square meters. With the smooth progress of the project, Hkc has deeply integrated into Qingdao, and integrating into Qingdao means integrating into the national strategy.

   As an intelligent and intelligent factory, it has complex design, high construction difficulty, crisscross process pipelines and high requirements for construction management. Since the start of construction, although there is a new crown epidemic impact, but the eighth Bureau of China Construction of the elite soldiers to work overtime to catch up with the construction period, one hand to catch epidemic prevention, one hand to grab construction, go hand in hand, builders with hard sweat cast today's results.

  In the past two months, HKC project has been rising from nothing in Qingdao, and the top has been sealed in advance, which is inseparable from the strong leadership of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government. Can not leave the district committee, district government care; Can not be separated from the tourism investment and the city, district and direct departments of the main leaders to help; Let us deeply feel Qingdao open, positive investment environment, so that we have the confidence to create a more brilliant future.



  At the ceremony, Jimo District Deputy Governor Ju Chaoyou and Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology Director Jiang Bo delivered speeches, and the District Party Committee Secretary Zhang Jun announced the successful capping of Huiko 6-inch wafer power device project!

  Ju said that Jimo, as a modern new district of Qingdao, has been actively integrated into national strategies such as maritime power, transportation power and innovation-driven development in recent years. HKC Co., Ltd., as a leading enterprise of large-size LCD panels in China, has been deeply engaged in the research and development, production and sales of video consumer electronics products for 20 years, and has become one of the enterprises with the highest vertical integration of the display industry chain. The top of the chip factory is an enterprise upward downstream industry chain extension of the first semiconductor factories, will become the nation's largest monomer production after the production of power device production line, will be conducive to radiation, giving impetus to the development of cieme a new generation of information technology industry, also hope to grasp the strategic opportunity, HKC company continue to strive for an early put into production as soon as possible to speed up the construction work, better promote industry agglomeration.

  Director Jiang said that the Huike project is an important milestone in the history of the development of the integrated circuit industry in Qingdao. The implementation of the HKC project is of greater significance to the development of Qingdao and to build an independent and controllable industrial chain. As the industry and information technology department, we will fully support the implementation of HKC project in Qingdao and Jimo to build an integrated circuit industry cluster with this project as the leading role.

  In the sound of eight gun salute, HKC 6-inch semiconductor power device is the third generation semiconductor project chip factory body top sealing ceremony successfully ended!

  HKC speed

  Qingdao HKC Project started from the foundation construction of the main workshop on March 18, 2020. Under the premise of anti-epidemic prevention and safe resumption of work, the planned construction period was not only shortened, but also the top was capped in advance. Therefore, under the pressure and power, Qingdao HKC, fearless of difficulties, uniting with one heart, returned to work safely and actively constructed, created the amazing speed of the main structure capping in advance in two months!
