
The six-inch wafer semiconductor power device project of Qingdao Huike Microelectronics Co., Ltd. was successfully completed!

2021-07-19 08:47:18 qdhuikeen 16
Qingdao Huike Microelectronics Co., Ltd.

Major news

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Successfully connected·NEWS

At 09:30 on December 19, 2020, Qingdao Huike Microelectronics Co., Ltd. successfully produced its first product. The product name of the product is CSKY-0012.

It took only 9 months from the construction of the main plant of the project to the opening of the line. The construction started that year. The structure of the main plant was capped that year. It was completed and put into production that year. The successful output of the product marks the Huike 6-inch crystal. The official launch of the Yuan Semiconductor Power Device Project also marks the official transfer of the project construction phase to the production and operation phase, laying a solid foundation for mass production.

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